- Child Studies
- Educational Studies
- Pedagogic Studies
- Contemporary Studies

Year | Sl. No | Name of the Programme | Target Grp/No. | No. of Teachers Trained | Duration Of Training (in days) | Venue |
2005-06 | 1 | Computer Training Programme | U P Teachers,48 | 42 | 6 | Block CIC, (7 centres) |
2007 | 2 | Orientation programme for Pre-Primary Teachers | Pre-primary Teachers, 100 | 95 | 20 | Dist. Hdqtr |
3 | Institutional Planning and Management | Heads of Schools ,100 | 100 | 5 | Dist. Hdqtr | |
4 | Content Enrichment & Methodology in Maths, EVS and Lang. | LP Teachers, 350 | 214 | 10 | Sub-division, (2 centres) | |
5 | Workshop on development of T L M for Language and Maths | UP Teachers, 100 | 100 | 10 | Dist. Hdqtr | |
6 | Content Enrichment & Methodology in Maths, EVS and Language | UP Teachers, 300 | 300 | 10 | Sub-division,(2 centres) | |
7 | Action Research | Elementary Teachers, 30 | 30 | 30 | School level | |
8 | Training of Dist Resource Persons under AEP | 10 DRPs | 8 | 5 | Dist .hdqtr | |
2008 | 9 | Language Teaching for Primary Teachers | LP Teachers, 50 | 50 | 10 | Sub-division (Ampati) |
10 | Language Teaching for Upper Primary Teachers | UP Teachers, 50 | 50 | 10 | Sub-division (Dadenggre) | |
11 | Institutional Planning & Management | Heads of Primary Schools, 60 | 60 | 5 | Sub-division (Ampati) | |
12 | Orientation for Pre-primary | Pre-Primary Teachers, 50 | 50 | 15 | Dist Hdqtr | |
13 | Low Cost Teaching Aids for Primary level | LP Teachers,50 | 50 | 5 | DIET | |
14 | Low Cost Teaching Aids for Upper Primary level | UP Teachers,50 | 50 | 5 | DIET | |
15 | Action research | Elementary Teachers, 15 | 15 | 4 mths | School level | |
2009 | 16 | Institutional Planning & Management | Heads of Primary Schools, 50 | 50 | 10 | Sub-Division,(Dadenggre) |
17 | Workshop on AHPL | LPS Teachers,50 | 50 | 10 | Ampati Sub-division, (Betasing) | |
18 | Training on Methods & principles of Teaching Grammar | LPS Teachers,50 | 50 | 5 | Dist Hdqtr | |
19 | Training on activity and playway method based on EVS School text books | LPS Teachers,30 | 30 | 5 days | Dist Hdqtr | |
20 | Refresher course for DRPs under AEP | DRPs, 10 | 9 | 1 | Dist Hdqtr | |
21 | 4 days training of Nodal Teachers under AEP (6 Batches ) | Secondary Teachers, 316 | 208 | 4 days | Dist Hdqtr | |
2010 | 22 | Community Awareness Programme for teachers and community participation | Community and teachers | - | 15 days | 2 centres in Sub-division |
23 | Action Research | Elementary teachers | 10 | On-going | School level | |
24 | 30 days Orientation programme | Newly recruited LPS Teachers | 196 | 30 days | Dist hdqtr | |
25 | Training for Peer Educators (AEP) | Secondary & Higher Secondary Students | 2 days | Dist hdqtr | ||
2010 | 26 | 10 days orientation prog for pre-primary teachers | P teachers | - | 10 | Dist hdtqr |
27 | 5 days training programme on P&M | Head teachers of UP schools | 50 | 5 days | Dist hdtqr | |
2011 | 28 | 5 days community awareness programme for teachers and community participation | Community and teachers | - | 5 days | Sub-division (1 centre) |
29 | 10 days workshop on development of materials | UP teachers | 15 | 10 days | Dist hdtqr | |
30 | 5 days training programme on educational technology | UP teachers | 50 | 5 days | Dist hdtqr | |
2012 | 31 | 5 days community awareness on DIET, education-cum-awareness programme | Community and teachers | - | 5 days | Melim Gambegre Block |
32 | 5 days programme on awareness on global warming and depletion of biodiversity | Elementary teachers | 50 | 5 days | Rongram Block | |
33 | Training of master trainers on CCE | Selected elementary teachers | - | 5 days | Dist hdtqr | |
34 | Training on diagnostic testing for elementary teachers | UP teachers | 50 | 5 days | Dist hdtqr | |
35 | Training on evaluation tools and techniques | UP teachers | 40 | 5 days | Dist hdtqr | |
36 | Training on activity and play way method based learning | LP teachers | 30 | 6 days | Dist hdtqr | |
2013 | 37 | 5 days programme on awareness on child rights and protection | Elementary teachers | 50 | 5 days | Rongram Block |
38 | DIET extension proggramme | Community | 5 days | Village level | ||
39 | Training on technology | UP teachers | 50 | 5 days | Dist hdtqr | |
2015 (css-2013-14) | 40 | 5 days prog. on CCE | UP teachers | 50 | 5 days | Dist hdtqr |
41 | Activity & play way method based on school textbook | LP teachers | 50 | 5 days | Dist hdtqr | |
42 | Art integrated learning-I | LP teachers | 50 | 10 days | Dist hdtqr | |
2016 | 43 | Art integrated learning-II | LP teachers | 50 | 10 days | Dist hdtqr |
44 | Service Learning 1 | Elementary teachers | 30 | 5 days | Dist hdtqr | |
45 | Service Learning 2 | Elementary teachers | 30 | 5 days | Dist hdtqr | |
46 | Activity & play way method based on EVS textbook | LP teachers | 50 | 5 days | Dist hdtqr | |
47 | Training on Teaching of Science | UP teachers | 40 | 5 days | Dist hdtqr | |
48 | State learning achievement survey | School students at the end of class II | 60 | - | WGH | |
49 | National achievement survey | Class IV | - | - | WGH | |
50 | 10 days training on activity based teaching of Primary teachers | LP teachers (2 phases conducted simultaneously) | 40 + 40 | 10 days | WGH, SGH, SWGH | |
2017 | 51 | 10 days training on activity based teaching of Primary teachers | LP teachers | 40 | 10 days | WGH |
Sl. No | Name of the Programme | Target Gr/No. | No. of Teachers Trained | Duration (in days) | Venue | Sponsored By | Year |
1 | Training of Block Resource Persons | BRP | 54 | 10 | DIET | SSA | 2006 |
2 | Training of Teachers at Block Level(during Education festival) | LP & UP Teachers | 323 | 5 | Blocks (9 Centres) |
SSA | “ |
3 | Training of newly recruited LP & UP Teachers (1st phase) | LP & UP Teachers (554) |
478 | 20 | Dist hdqtr | SSA | 2007 |
4 | Training of Block Resource Persons | BRP | 41 | 5 | DIET | SSA | “ |
5 | Training of newly recruited teachers at block level (2nd phase) | Newly recruit LP & UP Teachers (554) | 554 | 10 | Blocks (9 Centres) |
SSA | “ |
6 | Training of In-service Teachers | Untrained LP & UP Teachers | 768 | 20 | Blocks (9 Centres) |
SSA | “ |
7 | Training of In-service Teachers | Untrained LP & UP Teachers | 875 | 20 | Blocks (9 Centres) |
SSA | “ |
8 | Training of In-service Teachers | Untrained LP & UP Teachers | 1154 | 20 | Blocks (9 Centres) |
SSA | 2008 |
9 | Training of In-service Teachers | Untrained LP & UP Teachers | 480 | 20 | Blocks (6 Centres) |
SSA | 2009 |
10 | Research study on Impact of Teachers Training under SSA on classroom Transaction | 7 mths | SSA | 2009-10 | |||
11 | Study on Incentives given to students and their effects on enrollment, attendance & retention | 7 mths | SSA | 2009-10 | |||
12 | Training of in-service teachers (Urban area) | LP & UP teachers | 70 | 10 | Dist hdqtr | SSA | 2011 |
13 | Training of in-service teachers (urban area)- 1st phase | Untrained LP & UP teachers | 95 | 10 | Dist hdqtr | SSA | 2012 |
14 | Training of in-service teachers (urban area)- 2nd phase | Untrained LP & UP teachers | 100 | 10 | Dist hdqtr | SSA | 2012 |
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